LinkedIn launched as a professional network and then entered new markets with recruiting, content publishing, and other services. The announced change is already profound and permanent. It cannot be ignored, however, even today many businessmen and managers still do not wake up to the new reality. They continue to be anchored in conventional business models, visions and strategies that obscure their future.
Their die is cast The new environment will lead these companies to collapse more or less quickly. Just learning the new rules can slow down your fareweUnemployment benefits protect the situation of the worker who, despite wanting and being able to work, loses his job or sees his ordinary work day Whatsapp Mobile Number List reduced and consequently his remuneration. The regulation of the unemployment benefit must be sought in Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015, of October 30 , which approves the consolidated text of the General Law on Social Security and in Royal Decree 625/1985 of April, by which Law 31/1984, of August 2, on unemployment protection is developed.
The legal situation of unemployment determines the moment in which the unemployment benefit begins to accrue. The worker is in this situation when his employment contract is terminated, suspended or reduced. Therefore, if the worker requests his voluntary leave from the company, he would never receive unemployment benefit, but if the worker is dismissed for disciplinary reasons and the Social Court declares the dismissal fair.