Multipotentiality understood as the possession of a variegated, multiform and at the same time well-interconnected know-how, inevitably has at its basis, or at least should, a mental, cognitive characteristic: flexibility . Cognitive flexibility is one of the most requested skills in the current corporate world and is perhaps itself the essence of the digital world as described by us in the first paragraph. Cognitive or mental flexibility is precisely the ability to know how to adapt to situations , to circumstances, many of which can be new or radically changed from one moment to the next. In this radical, sudden change of the situation, of the scenario, the more the mind is able to adapt and find new diagnoses and solutions.
The more it is cognitively flexible, and adapts to new mobile number list contexts. Furthermore, it has an important role both in learning ability and in solving complex problems , and is connected to the development of a precise area of the brain, that of the pre-frontal lobe. Still with regard to the physiological part, we can say that its opposite is mental rigidity , which manifests itself above all in, in those who have suffered a head trauma (road accident, fall), stroke, or who are carriers of complex disorders such as hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, ASD (asperger's and autism), eating disorders (anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa), addictions, etc. However, precisely because of the neuroplastic property of the brain it can be retrained, as well as trained to return or reach the desired level.
Making and keeping the mind flexible means avoiding its staticness, its blockage, its gangrene, all defects that cause a poor understanding of the world and bad behavior in the world. 7-2-23 [AML] - Blog Quote Image Crop (19) Back to index Richter and Yeung's study Interesting are the researches of Richter and Yeung , which highlight which part is fundamentally enabled to direct and manage the propensities linked to cognitive flexibility and connected to the pre-frontal area 4 . Cognitive flexibility is the ability to find specific solutions , suited to the sudden change of scenarios, and within complex situations, when subjected to an innumerable amount of stimuli. Well, in the selection of the so-called goal-directed behaviors of the most.